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  • Writer's pictureStephanie Clifford Hosking

Being in joy...

Updated: Nov 11, 2019

I've often considered this statement as it sounds too simple to have a profound effect on our lives right?

So more recently put it into play by simply following what makes me feel good, or what gives me that good feeling. I did want to see if simply 'feeling' happier in each little moment would ripple out into a larger sustainable joy. I started with simple things like, riding my bike more or finding that perfect foundation...I know I know, these things might not be your kind of joy but they are mine...and it's what I mean by baby steps. Just find your own tiny feeling of happy and do that.

Now, I'm saying yes to bigger joys like volunteering at Fashion Week this year, I'm saying yes to speaking at events...I see now how this will only keep growing as I keep growing and following what makes me happy instead of trying to become the end result first.

I think I am reverse-engineering happiness!

Growing up with sadness and depression as my go to, I've definitely had to 'learn' happiness, and I'm glad...this technique of following joy has actually been working over the last year. Yay! now because I've expereinced this working, I believe that if we follow what makes us smile then we are throwing ourselves in the general direction of where we are meant to be going, because after all, knowing where we are going, is not part of lifes plan, no matter how hard we try to control, manufacture or organise ourselves.... And for all us control junkies out there, the irony is this, when we let go and 'feel' into life rather than try to control it, well that's when we really experience potential; potential in ourselves and potential in external situations or opportunities too.

In letting go or surrendering, we find awareness in what brings us joy and we can keep finding more of that. We get to experience more of it because we then know what it looks like, feels like and smells like. If we are busy controlling our lifes, opportunities are missed, ideas are pushed aside, intuition is ignored...and it's just impossible to 'plug in' to our paths. We don't know better than Source/God/Universe! We are part of all of it and our intuition, our emotions are a direct link to all divine. Our challenge as humans is to simply listen.

So what am I really saying with this post?

I think my message today is let go. If you need to control, guaranteed you are driven by fear and that's ok, no judegement but maybe it's time to let go. Let go. Take very small baby steps to let life happen. Don't force things, just follow what makes you happy. Listen to the tiny whisperings or feelings within yourself that direct you and follow that. Trust that because you know best. Be brave, be patient in regard to outcomes and most importantly follow your joy...joyful moments are the golden breadcrumbs to experiencing our best lives.

Thanks for reading, I hope these thoughts found you.

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